Wednesday, July 31, 2019

John dewey v rudolf steiner

A comparison on two theorists John Dewey – Rudolf Steiner There are many theories and philosophies that have come and gone some which are still widely used today. Each human being has a mind of their own and it is because of some individuals that we are able to learn progress and teach in so many different ways. Comparing different methods, teachings, theories and ideas allows our mind to reason and understand more than Just our own point of view. In child development there Is so much to learn, each child is unique and because of this uniqueness we an not only have one pattern of teaching for every child.Every child needs to have the opportunity to succeed and progress to the best of their personal ability. I would like to compare two very intellectual and profound individuals who have expanded the minds of many people. John Dewey, a believer In Pragmatism and progressivism. HIS view was that you would develop and learn by using the mind to think and to physically do. To prepa re and enter society well equipped, mentally and physically. † I see the aim of education as the development f the Individual to function as part of a society and to contribute to the on going formation of that society' John Dewey was born In Vermont USA In 1859.He was mainly known to people about his views and philosophies on the educational system. He however shared his views about many other topics such as ethics, social theories, metaphysics and more. At the end of the nineteenth century in the United States of America a new philosophical movement started which they called Pragmatism. This was to Join intellectuals who had views, opinions and philosophical theories. The professors who suggested theories needed sufficient credibility and practicality without this they would be rejected.John Dewey played a big role In this movement whilst also publishing his work in books and sharing his theories in many different places including universities. His thoughts on the educationa l system and child's development really began to excel once he founded the University Laboratory School which became the â€Å"Dewey School†. This is where he taught his students to have an active mind, to become educational thinkers. He believed strongly In the process of growth and high principles of mental activity. Little did he know that his theories would continue to this day.John Dewey did not believe in the rigid regimentation of the educational system which was in place and believed that each individual learner would exceed their personal best not by force but more by example, by experiencing and doing. Perfecting one self's growth and being part of a system that saw school as a social community. John Dewey believed that good' education should have a purpose In society and each Individual. John Dewey stresses the Idea that the quality as a member of society. â€Å"The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative. Rudolf Steiner however did not see eye to eye with John Dewey on every level. They both had a deep passion for the wellbeing and development of human beings yet had different views on how to reach that successful stage in life. Rudolf Steiner, of Austrian origin was born in Croatia 1861. Being raised in a ‘natural' countryside environment allowed him from the early age of 8 to reason in his mind about the endless possibilities the human mind can have, reaching a level of spirituality from young.He is known today as the ‘Philosopher of Freedom' he wanted to educate himself and others more on spirituality and the freedom in learning and developing. Rudolf Steiner envisioned the spiritual world as being as real as the physical world we live in. He devoted his life in search of answers, he started his quest by studying Science and Philosophy in Vienna. After years of study and personal growth the answers became clear to him that he had fo und a spiritual path which was to be called Anthropology. He believed that this would lead the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe. There is nothing more important for life, even for material life, than the strong and sure realization of communion with the spiritual world. † Rudolf Steiner was a strong believer in the ‘Natural' and ‘Holistic' development in a child. Each phase of a child's development needed nurturing, enriching and supporting, therefore, he believed that there should be three essential takes in a child's development. Each stage lasting about 7 years, he put a lot of emphasis on the fact that not one stage should be shortened because of a set curricular expectation.He believed if each individual developed at their own pace gradually learning every important life skill they would become well educated adults. His method of teaching was never to reach statistical highs but to reach personal growth. Each child would be taught and treated as an individual, with different levels and development speeds. The three phases are 0-7 which is seen as the ‘early holding' phase, the second phase 7-14 which is the ‘heart of the childhood' and last but not least the 14-21 which would be the ‘adolescence' phase.Each phase needs specific teaching and Rudolf Steiner made sure that there was a strong harmony in his teaching methods. This would be through artistic expression, dance (rhythmic), singing, play and many other forms of creativity. His teaching methods were not for the minority, this was a method he believed would be great for all of mankind. The spiritual harmony and togetherness he encouraged within schools would be inefficiency to every child, regardless of academic ability, class, ethnicity or religion.We shouldn't ask â€Å"What does a person need to be able to do in order to fit into the existing social order today? † Instead we should ask â€Å"what lives in each human being and what can be developed in him or her? † ‘ As I said in the beginning, each individual has a mind of their own. The most beautiful conclusion for me is that philosophers have pushed their mental ability to find and explain questions and doubts a lot of us have but cannot answer. I have found some truth and sense in answer but we can strive to expand our knowledge.Both John Dewey and Rudolf Steiner made it their mission in life to educate themselves and educate us. I believe that each person can relate and understand both their theories to an extent, however, we have the freedom of choice. I personally prefer Rudolf Steiner, I attended his schools during all of my primary school years and his method of teaching I would never dispute. The personal, structured learning strategies Rudolf Steiner implemented are in my opinion the most natural way to educate a young person.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Marketing Intelligence

Market intelligence is a term that is widely used, widely misunderstood, and often mistaken for a mysterious art requiring high-level detective work. Before providing advice on how market intelligence can potentially benefit your business, it is therefore essential that we begin this paper by agreeing on a definition. It is defined by Wikipedia as follows: â€Å"Market Intelligence is the information relevant to a company’s markets, gathered and analyzed specifically for the purpose of accurate and confident decision-making in determining market opportunity, market penetration strategy, and market development metrics. In simple terms, market intelligence is information that is gathered for the purpose of making business decisions. It is largely synonymous with market research, the systematic gathering, recording, analysis and interpretation of information about a company’s markets, competitors and customers. * Types of Intelligence Sources Intelligence can be described as the summary of internal and external data and information, paired with expertise and experience in any given environment and brought into context with the own doing and goals. Primarily though, market & competitive intelligence is based on sources providing the critical mass and substance to deal with as it comes to knowledge of any type. External Market & Competitive Intelligence Sources External market & competitive intelligence sources can and should provide a rich and realistic view of the external environment any business is operating in. Market & competitive intelligence has become a major marketing discipline and industry supplying much needed insights into business figures and trends. Desk Research for Intelligence Desk research might be the most common intelligence discipline regardless how advanced the organizations intelligence programs and systems are. Published information and data, pushed by partners, consultants and MI specialists as well internal resources pointing towards external intelligence is being scoured, gathered and pre-analyzed. Acquired Intelligence & Market Reports Industry reports, market studies and other business intelligence are being made available in many formats and sizes. Any industry or market have their major players in terms of research, market observation and monitoring who create and provide studies, reports, overviews, key market data, trends and indicators. Business Journals & Trade Magazines Business journals and trade magazines are excellent intelligence sources for both market intelligence as well as competitive intelligence. Most importantly here, the intelligence consuming organization needs to make sense of it all. Condensing and bringing relevant intelligence into context of immediate business needs and long term market strategies are crucial elements of intelligence preparation. Industry & Market Newsletters Keeping customers and partners in the loop of developments and offers can be done quite effectively via newsletters that are delivered in hard copy format or electronically. Not only is this a crucial customer retention measure but a competitive tool as well where customers find another comparison opportunity across products and service offers. Individual Intelligence Subscriptions A large corporation with thousands of employees hardly has any overview of how many subscriptions are being ordered and offered to staff. Subscription providers never care about consolidation. Neither do bothered employees if asked to openly acknowledge their subscriptions to market websites, news portals or periodicals. Market Intelligence: Wholesale Sourcing Drop Shipping, Bulk Wholesaling, General Wholesaling, Liquidation / Overstock Sourcing are sourcing strategies that need and naturally produce a lot of intelligence both market intelligence and competitive intelligence. External Soft Intelligence Any sales force and other field operators possess and handle unbelievable amounts of external intelligence about customers, market players, associations, industries and events with all developments and dynamics. Not to utilize this vast amount of intelligence in any organizations is a major competitive disadvantage. Internal Market & Competitive Intelligence Sources Most important and generally of extremely high value are internal sources for business intelligence. Legacy systems, ERP, any transactional data as well as soft information such as meeting transcripts and verbal communication with customers, suppliers and partners need to be exploited. The intelligence found in internal resources such as management and marketing or sales force is invaluable for any business decision. Business Data & Databases Major databases such as ERP systems, legacy systems, transactional data archived and stored for reference should be considered standard intelligence as they provide the very base for any data comparison and measurement. As well as for external intelligence, soft knowledge residing in the heads of the employees regarding internal view of markets and customers, competitors and other business variables can be invaluable for the entire intelligence prospective. Utilize Internal Soft Knowledge. As well as for external intelligence, soft knowledge residing in the heads of the employees regarding internal view of markets and customers, competitors and other business variables can be invaluable for the entire intelligence prospective. * Steps to be taken by a Company to improve its Marketing Intelligence (1) Train and Motivate Sales Force: A company's sales force can be an excellent source of information about the current trends in the market. They are the â€Å"intelligence gatherers† for the company. The acquired facts can be egarding the company's market offerings, whether any improvements are required or not or is there any opportunity for new products, etc. It can also provide credible source to know about competitor activities, consumers, distributors and retailers. (2) Motivate Distributors, retailers, and other intermediaries to pass along important intelligence: Specialists are hired by companies to gather marketing intelligence . In order to measure the quality of production, the way the employees are behaving with customers, quality of facilities being provided; retailers and service providers send mystery shoppers. Firms can also assess the quality of customer experience with the shops with the use of mystery shoppers. (3) Network Externally: Every firm must keep a tab on its competitors. Competitive intelligence describes the broader discipline of researching, analyzing and formulating data and information from the entire competitive environment of any organization. This can be done by purchasing the competitor's products, checking the advertising campaigns, the press media coverage, reading their published reports, etc. Competitive intelligence must be legal and ethical. 4) Set up a customer advisory panel: Companies can set up panels consisting of customers. They can be the company's largest customers or representatives of customers or the most outspoken customers. Many business schools set up panels consisting of alumni who provide their knowledge and expertise and help in constituting the course curriculum. (5) Optimal usage of Government data resources: Governments of almost all countries publish reports regarding the population trends, demographic characteristics, agricultural production and a lot of other such data. All this data must be or can be referred to as base data. It can help in planning and formulating policies for the companies. (6) Information bought from external suppliers: Certain agencies sell data that can be useful to other companies. For example, television channels will require information on the number of viewership, ratings of TV programs, etc. An agency which calculates this information and generates this data will provide it to companies that need it. (7) Collect Competitive Intelligence through online customer feedback: Customer's view about a product is most essential for any company. Ultimately it's the customer who's buying the product. Hence customer feedback must be taken. Online platforms like chat rooms, blogs, discussion forums, customer review boards can be used to generate customer feedback. This enables the firm to understand customer experiences and impressions. It becomes easier for companies to apply a structured system to do so as it can then scan out the relevant messages without much of a trouble. With the above steps being applied, a company's marketing intelligence system will prove to be beneficial to its effective functioning.

Cosi: Lewis Changes by Directing the Play

How are ideas about betrayal and loyalty explored through the structure of the play-within-a-play? The most obvious structural feature is the ‘play-within-a-play’, which highlights the parallels between the characters and themes in Mozart’s opera, and those in Nowra’s play. Both the opera and play revolve around issues of loyalty, fidelity and betrayal. The backdrop of war is also a significant feature of both texts: the Vietnam War in the 1970s (in Cosi) and the Albanian battle for independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1790 (in Cosi Fan Tutte).Wars also involve loyalties and betrayals, and their chaos on a grand scale underscores the chaos in the lives of the characters in the opera and the play. (Sue Sherman : English for Year 12) †¢According to Mozart’s  Cosi  Fan Tutte, the issue of fidelity is depicted to be an ideal that is never achieved. †¢Since ‘women are like that’ – the interpretation of ‘cosi fan tutte', Mozart encouraged the belief that men should simply accept women are indeed disloyal in relationships. Nowra illustrates this same idea about women and infidelity through Lewis and Lucy’s relationship. While Lucy is ‘sleeping’ with Lewis, she is also ‘having sex’ with Nick.When Lewis discovers Lucy’s betrayal, she waves aside his shock, defending that ‘it is not as if we’re married. ’ The revelation does indeed prove that Cosi Fan Tutte is correct in stating that, ‘woman’s constancy is like the Arabian Phoenix. Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it. ’ †¢Although the women in both Cosi Fan Tutte and Cosi are shown to be unfaithful, so are the men. While the men in Cosi Fan Tutte do not actively participate in adultery, they do fabricate their departure to the war and also disguise themselves as ‘Albanians. ’ Their deception is also a betrayal to their wives. Meanwhile , Don Alfonso manipulates everyone. As seen in Cosi, Lewis is unfaithful to Lucy as he kisses Julie during rehearsals. †¢Julie later reveals that she has a girlfriend who she would prefer to be with, confirming that both men and women are unfaithful in relationships. (source: VCE Study Guides) Quotes on Fidelity/Betrayal „Women are never true.? „Women like to pretend they don’t play around, but they’re just more secretive about it. They don’t brag about it like men.? „Women are flesh and blood too.? „I don’t like men’s double standards.? â€Å"Women’s constancy is like the Phoenix of Arabia.Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.? Irony in the fact that Henry plays the part of Don Alfonso in Cosi Fan Tutte as Henry firmly believes in truth and fidelity whereas Don Alfonso is cynical about it. â€Å"This Cosi condones the corruption of innocence. Women are told to be tramps. Free love. † â€Å" Whether women can remain true is a tragedy. † â€Å"Don’t insult those pure men. They? re models of fidelity and perfect love. † (Cosi Fan Tutte) â€Å"Only mad people in this day and age would do a work about love and infidelity. † Lewis and Julie kiss demonstrating that men too can be unfaithful.In a way, Nick is also unfaithful in his friendship with Lewis. â€Å"You have enemies for life, but never lovers. † â€Å"Everyone blames women, but I forgive them. If they change their love a thousand times a day, some call it sin, others a drug, but I think it’s the necessity of women’s hearts. † â€Å"That’s how men want us to be – even though they’re not true and faithful themselves. † Wagner â€Å"foreshadows what is going to happen to the couples in the future. A life of torment and adultery. † Nick justifies his infidelity with â€Å"we’re mates, aren’t we? † Nick and Lucy „didn’t last long as both were not into love and fidelity.?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethics in Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ethics in Leadership - Research Paper Example For instance, harassing other workers is ethically wrong, and the decision to harass a fellow worker is completely unethical. A second example is that of using the internet supplied by the employer inappropriately, to browse illicit content and for personally-benefiting uses (Kidwell & Kochanowski, 2005). The fact that the behavior of using the internet is inappropriate and the given employee will do that knowingly, gives the proof needed to show that the decision to use it inappropriately was unethical. This paper will explore the reasons as to why people (at the workplace) make unethical decisions, with reference to their situation and environment. The paper will, also, explore the different ways, through which leaders can manage the individuals that engage in negative decision-making. With reference to the variety of the situations that surround the lives of individuals at the workplace, people will make unethical decisions for a wide array of reasons. The reasons behind the making of unethical decision-making is dependent on the rightness or the wrongness of behavior, in terms of the legal, organizational and the societal guidelines used in defining the morality of behaviors (Kidwell & Kochanowski, 2005, p.140). In the current world, unethical behaviors at the workplace have become relatively prevalent, and in some cases, the costs of deviance are high; this has pushed managers to develop mechanisms to handle such behaviors. Some of the factors explored in the next section – as contributors to the making of unethical decisions are more applicable to some forms of decisions and deviance, than others (Peterson, 2002a). The reasons and the factors behind the making of unethical decisions can be traced to social, organizational, individual and interpersonal f actors. The decision-making process of individuals within the workplace

Sunday, July 28, 2019

External Business Environment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

External Business Environment - Assignment Example The industries dominating the UK economy include the service sector, the automotive sector, and the pharmaceutical industry. The service sector, in particular, contributes more than three-quarters of the country’s GDP, with the booming services within the industry being the financial and aerospace. Being the first county to adopt industrialization, the country boasts of one of the largest globalized economies of the world, and the city of London plays an instrumental role as the business hub for this economic giant. The UK is part of the G8, which is a group of some of the leading economies in the world in terms of economic strength and power. The UK has an elaborate tax system that promotes both internal and foreign investments within the country. So far, the UK boats of being the leader in the following industries across the world, owing to its policies and attractive strategies geared at enticing investors within the country. One, London City is the Hub of financial services in the world, owing to the elaborate banking system adopted by the country, and evidenced by some of the leading multination banking corporations in the world such as the Barclays Bank, and the Standard Chartered Bank. Second, is the Barclays Premier League, adopted after the main sponsor, Barclays Bank, which is the most followed football league in the entire globe. The UK always comes up with economic policies that promote business activities and investments within the country. The hospitality industry plays a major role in the UK economy as it contributes almost 25% of the GDP of the country, comprising of companies such as clubs, hotels, restaurants, leisure outlets and holiday resorts. The Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts is one of the major hotel groups in the UK, with an international disposition of its chains of hotels and resorts across various countries and cities of the world. As such, as a leading hotel group in the United Kingdom, the economic policies set by the government affect its operations adversely, either positively or negatively.  Ã‚  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human Resource exam questions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Resource exam questions - Coursework Example This eliminates conflict of interests, through hindering individuals from undertaking some tasks, exert authority or interfere with certain duties outside the confines of their jobs (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Job analysis creates order, discipline and responsibility, by defining the duties and responsibilities of each worker (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Additionally, Job analysis helps in preparing job description and job specifications necessary for hiring the right individuals for a job (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Observation and interview methods of collecting job analysis information are recommended. This because, through observation, the investigator has an opportunity to get first hand information, since he/she can observe the tasks as they are being undertaken. This improves the validity of the information obtained (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Interview method allows an opportunity for employees to give their suggestions on top of the already existing tasks. This im proves the nature of the information collected (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Job description refers to a factual statement of the duties and responsibilities that are involved in a certain job task (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). ... Under this approach, an organization looks at its labor audit data, where it observes patterns such as the hiring, retirement, turnover and productivity (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). The approach is applied based on an assumption that the trend will remain stable. Therefore, an organization plans to increase or decrease their labor force, depending on the past trends, which are used to predict the future patterns (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). Depending on the predicted future situation, an organization can hire, reduce or maintain its work force. This approach is advantageous in that, it helps the organization predict its future demand and supply needs, based on the real data and experience that the organization has had in the past (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). However, the limitation is that the future needs may vary with the past and the current patterns, making an organization experience either a shortage or a surplus of human resources in the future (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 201 0). Replacement chart This approach entails focusing on the available positions within an organization, and planning on how such positions will be taken up by internal employees, when their occupants exits the organization (Schwind, Das, & Wagar, 2010). This approach is futuristic, aiming at ensuring that all the key positions of the organization has potential replacement, while also planning for the occupation of other positions that might arise out of the expansion of the organization. This approach is beneficial since it ensures that the operations of an organization are not disrupted due to exits from the organization. The limitation for this approach is that the potential candidates

Friday, July 26, 2019

THEORY- Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THEORY- - Essay Example It shows that the structure has a logical importance rather than a particular one. Basing on a hypothetical approach to the induction of generic principles and their abstract and will not deal with interest in the knowledge of the work but on an understanding of its theoretical structure. Structural analysis is more concerned with the poetics of the work of literature as far as basics go and so its theoretical. Real work, when analyzed, brings out the comparative aspect of periods, genre, and the like with other analyzes and one cannot isolate a particular concept or trait to one work. Thus, structural analysis embraces abstract and theoretical approach and uses general principles to the study of a particular work and vice versa (Todorov, 1969). The poem "Evolution" by Sherman Alexie talks about a liquor shop that opens on a full day throughout the week. The store is located at the border where the Indians come with jewelry televisions sets to purchase the liquor. The voice of the poem describes how the men around the border make their approach towards the liquor store. The tone of the voice of the poem expresses attitude more so in the part when the poet describes the movement of the Indians towards the shop store. The reflection is seen by the words that the poet uses to describe the situation. The voice of the poem has a social perspective where the poet describes the main characters "Indians" showing how united they are in accomplishing the primary goal of the poem (purchase of liquor). The perspective of the voice contributes towards reflecting the poets point of view. The theme of the poem is to bring out the nature of shop businesses and their constituents. In a business at some point, cases of uncertainty emerge and this is reflected when the newly named Buffalo Bill charge Indians five bucks as entry fee. In the poem, the museum acts as the tax collector. The poem characters act as

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How does globalization affect the environment Essay

How does globalization affect the environment - Essay Example One area of human life that has experienced heavy issues due to globalization is the environment in which human beings live. Policy makers, environmentalist and other stakeholders have attacked globalization for impacting human environment in a negative manner. Body Disadvantages One of the main impacts of globalization is that globalization has led to increase in the spending ability of all individuals and have led to elevation in the consumption levels of human beings and this has impacted the ecological system in a negative manner. Increase in income level have made people demand for more goods and services and this has led to decrease in the natural resources that are offered by the environment. With the increase in demand for goods and services, there has been an increase in the transfer of natural resources from one region to another. Before globalization started spreading, people used to be dependent on their local manufacturers and service providers for goods and services. No w due to decrease in boundaries, people have started demanding for goods and services that are developed in foreign regions. To transfer goods and services, heavy amount of fuel is consumed which has led to degradation of the environment due to increase in pollution. The fuel used in transportation of goods has led to increase in the amount of fossil fuels burned to produce fuel. ... s waste is being dumped in oceans and this dumping process has ruined the underwater life and has led to increase in chemicals being deposited to oceans. For example: during the period of 2010, oil spill from the containers of British Petroleum ended up damaging the ocean in a very negative manner and this happens to be one of the several harmful effects of globalization on the environment (Cook, 2010, p.214). Increase in industrialization along with globalization has led to an increase in the amount of chemicals that are dumped into soil and due to this several plants as well as weeds have been produced. The waste that is toxic in nature and is dumped in soil has severally damaged plant life and had interfered with the natural way of growth of plants. Throughout the world heavy cut down of forests are taking place as wood obtained from forests is used in production of several goods such as furniture and paper. Due to this, carbon dioxide in the environment has increased and release of oxygen by plants has decreased. Similarly, cut down of mountainous regions have even been conducted to create new roads and for real estate purposes and this has long term negative impacts on human health. Plastic is being heavily used throughout that world for several purposes such as packaging and this plastic is not renewable in nature. Plastic is used in then discarded in form of waste which is negatively impacting the environment. Plastic bags tend to enter water lines as well as beaches and as plastic waste is burned, it result in emission of fumes that are toxic in nature and these fumes tend to impact the environment in a negative manner. According to Savedge, more than 100,000 marine animals experience death or are murdered by animals as they dump plastic bags in oceans and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Review of GE company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Review of GE company - Case Study Example Among them, Aberdeen in Scotland, London in England, and Cardiff in Wales are the most prominent locations where the firm's offices can be found. Company's investment is not limited to any one particular sector, but the company has invested in multiple sectors. Most prominently, the company has invested in Technology Infrastructure, Energy Infrastructure, GE Capital and NBC Universal. All of these entities and subsidiaries have a significant presence in the entire United Kingdom. The company as a whole is a subsidiary of one of the largest companies of the world, General Electric. In the UK, the company is more focused in the field of Aviation and is found to be heavily involved in the work of aircraft engines. The company has two major facilities pertaining to aviation in Wales. It has two specialists overhaul and repair facilities in the notable areas of Cardiff and Prestwick. The company's recent acquisition of Smith Aerospace has made it the world leader in aviation and aerospace industry. It has achieved this position by continuously following the strategy of innovation and it was one of the major factors in making the firm as the winner firm and market leader in the aviation industry. The invention of turbojet engines was a landmark in the history of the company's continuous struggles toward innovation and coming up with "first of its type" products. The company developed some great things, but among them the turbojet engines GE90 and GEnx hold distinctive position. The company is said to be the largest supplier of engines to corporate, military and marine industries not just in the UK, but all over the world. GE, in the recent years, has also focused on operation excellence in combination with responsible leadership. These attributes are hallmark in the long history of GE's success. The company has always given special emphasis to health, safely and environment costs. The greatness of GE lies not just in identifying the problems that are prevalent in above mentioned field, but also finding the solutions to these problems. In the year 2008 alone, the company's hard work resulted in reduction in the injury and health problems of workers by 12 percent. In the very same year, the company committed and achieved reduction in wastewater exceedances by 8%, lost time rate by 7 percent, and Air exceedances by a massive 53 percent. The company has been recognized for its continued involvement in the CSR (Corporate social responsibility) and in the year 2008 alone, it received 650 external accolade, recognitions from the government and other NGO operating in the country. GE is also a worldwide partner of Olympic Games. GE has been providing some important services during these games to the organizers, athletes and participants that are very important for the successful organization of these games. In order to help the organizers to stage these events properly, GE works very closely with the organizers, local municipalities and government to deliver the best-possible solutions to the problems that may occur in staging the event. In order to depict the commitment of GE to these games and to the UK as country, GE has decided to go for GOLD in the upcoming Olympic Games in London. GE is sponsoring the Triathlon team representing the United Kingdom. GE has also worked very closely with Freightliners Limited to come up with the solution to rail road freight problems. The two companies worked tirelessly to come up with a freight

Reflection Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection Paper 2 - Essay Example Social psychologists David W. Merill and Roger H. Reid defined social styles as the ability to help others understand things (Thompson, 2002, p. 21). During an interview, social styles are applied to communication so that both persons helped each other understand what they are saying and conflicts can be prevented. There are four social styles identified by Merill and Reid, namely: direct (driver), spirited (expressive), considerate (amiable), and systematic (analytical) social styles. Each of the four styles is unique from each other depending on the level of assertiveness and responsiveness. Assertiveness is the degree in which a person influences other people either by directly telling them what they think or asking other people’s thoughts before they tell their own thoughts. Meanwhile, responsiveness is the manner by which a person responds to other peoples comment either through used of factual words or conveyance of emotional words or gestures (Thompson, 2002, p. 23). Di rect (Driver) social style has high assertiveness and controls emotions. People of this style by are decisive, has formal speech, direct eye contact, maintain physical distance, coercive and poor listener. The spirited (expressive) type displays emotions and has high level of assertiveness.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Criminological Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminological Theories - Essay Example Under this theory, a crime is committed after the person has decided to commit the crime out of need for money and other material factors that they thought could enhance their lives. This theory is considered to be connected to the Crime Prevention Theory due to the application of "opportunity prevention techniques" in both theories. The so-called "opportunity prevention techniques" are said to be done to increase the endeavor necessary to a crime, to increase the calculated risks of trepidation, to reduce the probable rewards of a crime, and to remove the reasons that complies with existing laws ("Rational Choice Theory", 2006). Trait theories are derived from a psychological perspective. Perpetrators are said to be different form a "normal" individual because of certain physical and psychological traits. Some of these traits are highly recognizable in individuals that have criminal tendencies and more often than not, crimes are committed because of exposure to society. Therefore, it can be extrapolated that individuals are influenced not only from biological factors but from their own experiences as well. The existence of extroverts and introverts are said to be part of this. theory (Jung, C G., Baynes, H. G., & Baynes, C. F., 1928). Not only that it states in the theory that these traits can easily identify the persons having them but it is also makes it possible to determine their behavior of these individuals in the future. Social structure theories on the other hand states that most people follow the law because they are concerned about their personal commitments and relationships as well as their set of values, norms and beliefs. The more an individual values these factors, the less likely they are to commit a crime. This theory at ways in which criminal tendencies can be reduced, proposing that socialization and social learning will strengthen self-control and prevent anti-social behavior in individuals. This particular theory is based on the Functionalist theory, which has four types of control ("Social Control Theory, 2006"). The first type of control is Direct, which is the application of punishment or rewards towards awful and exemplary behavior respectively. Indirect control, on the other hand is the suppression of crime through one's conscience or superego. The third one is Internal control that establishes control by associating emotional pain and disappointment of one's loved ones or kin whe never he or she commits an unruly act. Finally, Control through needs satisfaction suppresses negative behavior by satisfying the needs of the individual ("Social Control Theory", 2006). The Social process theory seeks to explain the occurrence and suppression of deviant behavior by looking at multiple variables and their combinations. This theory is most applicable to individuals who are most akin to commit deviant actions (Akers, 1973). Groups such as gangs, fraternities and peer groups offer "advantages" and other tempting rewards to encourage individuals to join them (especially young individuals) even if they are known to perform criminally inclined acts. The group could offer psychological advantages such as gaining popularity or material. These advantages are used by the groups as some kind of reinforcement for joining that group. Criminal acts

Monday, July 22, 2019

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Approaches to Learning Essay Example for Free

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Approaches to Learning Essay There are various ways which people can learn. There is a need to identify approaches that can assess learning effectively. David Kolb proposed a four stage learning process with a cycle of learning. (Gravells, A. 2008). The process is represented in the diagram below: Concrete experience This is process where the learner experiences or immerses themselves in the task. It is the first stage where the task assigned is carried out. It is also called the doing stage. In my specialism, this could be the time where I give my learner class assignment or test to do in the class. (Gravells, A. 2008). It is good way of assessing learning and getting feedback immediately. Observation and Reflection This involves stepping back from the activity and reviewing what has been done and experienced. Here the learner’s values, attitudes and beliefs can affect their thinking process. This is the process where the learner thinks about what they you have done. The learner has the opportunity to reflect on what has been done in the classroom through the home work given. Abstract conceptualisation This is where the learner tries to interpret and understand the activities that have been carried out during learning. This is the planning how you will do it differently stage. The learner has the opportunity to do this as I lecture a particular topic in mathematics. Active Experimentation It enables the learner to take in new learning and predict what is likely to happen next or what future actions can be taken to improve the way activities can be done in future. This is the redoing stage based upon experience and reflection. When feedback on Tests or home work is given, the learner has the opportunity to improve upon what has already been submitted. Learning styles A learning style is a learner’s consistent way of responding and using stimuli in the context of learning. Honey and Mumford’s learning style questionnaire is another theory used to demonstrate how a learner is able to learn effectively. Questionnaires were given to the learner’s that probes general behavioural tendencies. Although their theory is drawn from David Kolb, it had some differences. Learners were divided into Reflectors, Theorists, Pragmatist and Activist. Reflector The learner prefers to learn from activities they watch, think and review what has happened. They like to use journals and brainstorming. [accessed on 3 July 2012.]. To be able to ensure learning takes place for this kind of learner, as a Teacher I would organise more group work, discussions and lecturing in mathematics sessions. Also give out hand outs for learner to read and reflect upon. Theorists Learners in this category prefer to think a problem through step by step manner. They like lectures, analogies, systems, case studies, models and reading. I would organise more lectures on a topic, give handouts and assignments for such learners giving them the opportunity to tackle problems/ questions later on. Pragmatist The learners prefer to apply new learning to actual practice to see if they work. They prefer field works, laboratories, observations, feedback and coaching. Â  Here learning can effectively take place where a lot of examples on topics are tried out with learner before giving out home work or assignments. A lot of clear feedback on assignments/ tasks and activities will be needed to ensure the learners actually understand information passed across.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Example Answers to Questions on LVMH

Example Answers to Questions on LVMH LVMH is known as global giant who is famous for its luxury product. The company is based in Paris France, with strength of more than fifty six thousand employees from all parts of the world, the total number of employees include just the 33 percent from France. The foundation of company was laid down with 50 luxury brands in the year 1987, now the organisation is decentralized and they are grown and passing through different stages of organisation evaluation and achieving different landmarks in their business. All the main offices and head quarter of the company is at the capital city of France, but the organisation can be called as multi culture because they include persons in the higher management and staff from different backgrounds, cultures and countries. Structure and Operations of LVMH LVMH is a group of fifty different companies who have about 450 subsidiaries in different locations round the globe; every company has its own way of doing their business with their president and the process through which they have set up that which subsidiary will report to whom. The management of LVMH has divided different business operations into five zones globally; following are the five zones of LVMH business France America Europe Asia Pacific and Japan To achieve the business standards and improved organisational quality the LVMH uses different approaches at different business zones, but the most common and most widely used is international mobility, they believe in international mobility of their higher management and skilled staff, which include vertical and horizontal moves within the organisation and geographical placement at different business locations and business zones. Working with different cultural environments is very necessary for global organisations like LVMH, they need to develop their employees skills and competencies to smoothly operate in multi cultural environment, but lucky most of their expatriates are internationally experienced so this is not to difficult task for the higher management of LVMH to work in multi cultural environment. But they do provide pre departure and post arrival training to all of their expatriates and international mobile staff about the cultural values and other necessary information which they have to deal with during their stay in the country. Introduction to Task 1 Indentify three key HRM activities in LVMH and discuss how they fit into overall corporate objectives of the company. Argue which model of HRM LVMH deploys and why? Identification of HRM Activities The three key HRM activities which I have identified from the LVMH case study are following Recruitment and Selection Career development and International Mobility (T D) Employees Appraisal System Recruitment and Selection (R S) As LVMH is a global giant with global operation, it is necessary for LVMH to have talented staff to retain their global position as giant and provide their customers good services in order to have a good name for the organisation. At start LVMH human resource department was sometime lacking in international experience, competing in a global environment, so LVMH decide to attract, develop and retain managers with global experience (by 2001 it had 260 expatriates and 650 other employees working in a country not their own) To achieve the corporate goals LVMH is following a very comprehensive and realistic approach i.e. the LVMH subsidiaries HR directors coordinate with the business groups through monthly meetings, in order to identify the vacant positions throughout the world and also study the list of potential candidates within organisation who has potential to progress through new assignment within the year. After that vacant positions are announced on the company website, so anyone can apply for that position worldwide, so LVMH attract professionals from all over the world not just for economic benefits but through exciting career development opportunities, which help LVMH is getting professionals from all over the world and achieve their corporate goals. Career Development and International Mobility (T D) From its creation LVMH is an international organisation, and to meet the needs of an international organisation, they were lacking in their human resources and their international management skills. E.g. in 1987 too many mangers were not fluent in English so the management sought to create a team of managers with working knowledge of international market. To have a professionally trained international class team it is important to have plans for career development of employees. At LVMH they dont focus too much on formal trainings but instead of that they prefer Mobility, mobility like vertical, horizontal and geographical moves in organisation, In order to polish their skills and get experienced in an international environment, like once a French insurance specialist in the fashion business unit was sent to Romania to head a shoe factory. To have an international business specialist management team LVMH focuses on international mobility instead of expatriation, because a person sent from UK to France is more likely to return and work in UK with good experience got their in France. The international mobility policy is a part of career development which requires the training of global mangers on limited time basis. The HR department convince a manager to become internationally mobile by offering them more challenging job with more freedom to perform his task than home. One positive aspect of LVMH international mobility is to take risk in order to develop high potentials. LVMH has two type of high potentials HP1 and HP2, an HP1 is an individual going to have top management position (like board of director) while HP2 is an employee go a step or higher in management hierarchy. Employees Appraisal System Appraisals done properly are an honest attempt to appraise someones current performance (i.e. behaviour) and to help them identify how to improve. (Honey, Peter Improve your people skills, second edition, 09) Appraisal is required to recognize ones work and get your employees motivated and stick on to the organisational goals. Most of the organisations have a systematic way of appraisal like once in year, after accomplishment of a task. At LVMH performance appraisal system is not only based on results but also to propose and implement new ideas. A very good approach to appraise someone is to appraise ones ideas, because it is not necessary that the top level management can just produce good ideas, newly employed young and energetic people can produce ideas which may be not based on experience, but through the latest and updated knowledge and resources they have (like technology). So LVMH try to achieve their corporate goals and objectives through appraisal system. Which HRM Model LVMH deploys LVMH has deployed the European model of human resource management i.e. Best Fit model. Because in best fit model organisation identify HR strategies that fit their business e.g. market, labour, size and structure of the organisation. Justification of using Best Fit model At LVMH they have different HR activities which clearly state that which model they have deployed in their organisation. If we take the example of International Mobilization the concept behind this is Best Fit as Boxall and Purcell described decisions over selection / recruitment, development and training are strategic in nature and have to be harmonised with corporate strategy. LVMH is working in different countries dealing with different cultural people, as HR activities vary from cultured people, as HR activities vary from cultural to cultural, so using the best fit approach they deal each country / subsidiary in the way which best fit them. At LVMH the HR strategies and business strategies are inter dependent, which is according to definition of (Armstrong, 2003) states that best fit approach is Inter-dependence between HR strategies and business strategies. Introduction to Task 2 The requirement from this task is to provide information on the key approaches that how LVMH manages its employees training and development. What are the strengths and weaknesses of their system and provide recommendations to LVMH board of Directors on how to improve its strategy towards TD of its staff management. Training and Development Training is the process of altering employee behaviour and attitudes in a way that increase the probability of goal attainment [1] or we can define training as the formal and systematic modification of behaviour through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction, development and planned experience [2]. Development is any learning activity which is directed toward future needs rather than present needs, and which is concerned more with growth than immediate performance [2]. How LVMH ensure their employees T D To ensure their employees skill development and equipped them with latest skills and knowledge of management LVMH has a variety of training and development programs. The main focus of all these activities is on to prepare their employees to meet the high market challenges and to ensure the achievement of their organisational goals and objectives through proper utilization of human resources. Following are the key approaches which LVMH use for their employees training and development. International Mobility Career Management (Organisational Management Review OMR) Inter Cultural training International Mobility At LVMH international mobility is an activity for gaining high career mile stones, and develop manager to take the global management positions and enable them to work at a multi cultural and out of their home countries. International mobility is likely to entail a radical functional move. Through international mobility the managers are put into new situations to help them develop new skills and prove their courage. Through international mobility LVMH try to identify the potential individuals who are ready to go for an international assignment and have capabilities to carry out the duties of expatriates. The company provide so many opportunities to its international mobile staff, it attract mangers to international assignments through exciting career development prospects and not through economic incentives, even though its incentive program is competitive. This is a part of career development, they dont dispatch expatriates because of a lack of local talent but they international mobile employees have to fulfil two profiles , one is to those sent by the headquarter to control its subsidiaries and protect its interests and the other is to ensure information, organisational business and to harmonize the procedures. Career Management (Organisational Management Review OMR) To provide their employees an insight into their career development LVMH has a career management process which is known as Organisational and Management Review (OMR). This is an annual process in which the HR objectives of the company are reviewed and set the organisational need for the next three years, that which employees need what sort of trainings and list the potential employees ready for international assignments and to prepare them and train them for the top management position. They use the OMR for maintaining the list of the candidates ready to move and assess their current development. Inter Cultural training To become an internationally mobile or expatriate the employees of LVMH needs intercultural training to adjust quickly, because international position usually has to be filled very quickly, which leaves little time for intercultural training. LVMH normally chose those employees to become internationally mobile / expatriates who has some past experience of international environment. They are extending training to both the employees and his or her family, and for time being both pre departure and post arrival training limited to just language training, which LVMH needs to extend to properly prepare their employees for the position of expatriate. Recommendation for LVMH Board of Directors Keeping in view the above discussion about the training and development in LVMH, I will recommend the board of Directors of LVMH as As LVMH believes in international mobility, and select those employees who has some past international experience, but that is not enough to hold an international management position. So it is recommended to start a structured long term training program to develop a pool of employees for international mobility. When an employee is going to take position as expatriate he / she should be provided enough time to get trained about that country culture, people life style, management styles preferred in that country and the environment of business. LVMH has the opportunity to have proper training and development courses for their support staff and non managerial employees to improve the standard of their daily organisational and business activities. Introduction to Task 3 The requirement from this task is to apply Balance Scorecard to LVMH, and critically review the performance of HR and provide suggestion that how to improve their HR performance. What is Balance Scorecard This system is used by good and large scale organisation for the strategic planning of their business, and is widely used in the business organisation, government institutions and some of the large scale nongovernmental organisations in order to improve the level of their business strategies and align that with their organisation vision, improve the standard of communication in and outside the organisation, and how to monitor their performance keeping in mind the business goals and strategic objectives of the business. Balance Scorecard for LVMH To maintain a balance score card for the LVMH following issues / topic of the HR will be addressed in the balance score card, and the will provide ideas on how to monitor the performance of the HR department. Learning and Growth Perspective Internal Perspective Financial Perspective Learning and Growth Perspective Objectives: Improve the standard of learning of HR staff in making the strategies and deciding the corporate goals, and make them able to be sent on international assignments. Description: Make the HR staff able for international mobility. Corporate Objectives Performance Measures Identification of the candidates who have enough skills, competencies and confidence to become and international mobile officer. Complete the progress and perfromace reports of all employees. Identification of the HR skills of all staff of the HR departments and also for others. Verification and validation of all the HR skills of employees time by time. Actions: Objectives: improve the attachments and dedication of HR staff toward the organizational goals and objectives of the LVMH Description: what are the weaknesses and strengths of the HR department employees, and what activities are needed to improve the skills and competencies of the employees? Corporate Objectives Performance Measures Testing and validation of the HR staff performance and focusing on the weak areas which needs to be improved. Organization special procedures for the maintenance of the employees personal and professional skills record. Actions: Objectives: Modeling and creation of the performance management indicators and improving the standard of communication within the organization. Description: to develop the new systems and those which are already in practice in the industry, or implementation of the standard procedures for the performance management and communication improve the communication. Corporate Objectives Performance Measures Improve the individual alignment and attachment with the strategic plan of the organization by providing them incentives Improve the standards of already implemented communication. Create an implementation plan to model best practices Take the staff on board while deciding all these issues, and take their opinion through survey or some other activity, and make them realize that this for their improvement, and value their feedback. Actions: Internal Perspective Objectives: enhance the employees commitment with organization, and make them proud to be a part of LVMH Description: Satisfy the employees being a part of LVMH, and make them realize that LVMH cares for them. Actions: Corporate Objectives Performance Measures Make the LVMH a good place for work with. Design good strategies for employees involvement and satisfaction. Give attention to employees survey results and feedback. Evaluate the turnover data. Objectives: making the recruitment process effective Description: develop new and enhance the existing recruitment process to make this dream a reality that right person on right place at right time Actions: Corporate Objectives Performance Measures What are the key area of working with LVMH Make the use of technology in recruiting process Integrate good employer story and branding efforts into recruiting Look at the turnover rate How much customers are satisfied with the organization employees. How much management is satisfied with employee performance? How can LVMH improve their HR performance? As LVMH is a global giant doing operation in different countries with a group of 50 companies and 450 subsidiaries, they have very good approach to manage their employees all over the world, and ensure the personal and professional growth throw different activities arranged by the HR department of LVMH. After studying the case study there are some HR activities and operations which can be make much more influential in achieving the organizational goals and objectives. The HR department may start management courses for their middle level and primary level management team, to ensure their growth to take over the future top level management positions Employees ready for international mobility should be given proper training before they go on assignment, though LVMH provide some pre departure and post arrival training but it is needed to have a very structured training program which provide complete knowledge and information on how to work as expatriate. The process of inter-cultural training has much more potential, so the training should be extended to subsidiaries level to make a pool of employees aware of the different cultural values and available for any cross cultural assignments. LVMH needs extend their recruitment and selection process not just to those countries where the company is in operation, to global recruitment and selection in order to get a big pool of potential candidates from all over the world and then select the appropriate individuals on the basis of merit which best suit the organizational goals and strategy.

Criminal Liability Case Study

Criminal Liability Case Study This assignment will explore many interesting questions considering criminal liability of Jane, Francine, Sam and Allan, actus reus, mens rea and the circumstances when a person is liable for the criminal acts of another. Every criminal offense has two components: one of these is objective, the other is subjective; one is physical, the other is mental; one is the actus reus, the other is the mens rea. The actus reus generally differs from crime to crime. In murder it is homicide; in burglary it is the nocturnal breaking into the dwelling of another; in uttering a forged instrument it is the act of offering as good an instrument which is actually false. In like manner the mens rea differs from crime to crime. In murder it is malice aforethought; in burglary it is the intent to commit a felony; in uttering a forged instrument it is knowledge that the instrument is false plus an intent to defraud. Perkins Boyce Criminal Law 830-831 (3rd ed. 1982). [1]The actus reus must be causally related to the mens rea for a crime to occur: An evil intention and an unlawful action must concur in order to constitute a crime. 93 N. E. 249. Although it is frequently said that no mens rea is required for a strict liab ility offense, the actus reus alone being sufficient (see e. g. , 361 U. S. 147, 150 and 342 U. S. 246, 256), it is more useful to identify a special mens rea for the civil offense that recognizes the low level of culpability connected with a strict or civil offense. As to the act being sufficient even in the strict liability setting, a guilty act (as opposed to a coerced act for example) would seem required. Hall, General Principles of Criminal Law 222-27 (2d ed. 1960)[2]. corpus delicti. http://www. answers. com/topic/actus-reus#Notes Latin: a mind to be accused; a guilty mind. In many systems of law, criminal guilt requires not  only that an act was performed (actus reus) but also that it was performed with an appropriate  mind-set. Having the intention to perform a crime is sufficient, but not necessary to mens rea. Foreseeing a side-effect such as a death could count, even if the death is not intended, and  reckless negligence could also constitute mens rea. As an element of criminal responsibility, a  guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and willfulness. A fundamental principle of criminal law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical  element. Mens rea, a persons awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the  mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element  mostly crimes, including common-law crimes, are defined by statutes that usually contain a  word or phrase indicating the mens rea requirement. A typical statute, for example, may require  that a person act knowingly, purposely, or recklessly. Sometimes a statute creates criminal liability for the commission or omission of a particular act  without designating a mens rea. These are called strict liability statutes. If such a statute is  construed to purposely omit criminal intent, a person who commits the crime may be guilty even  though he or she had no knowledge that his or her act was criminal and had no thought of  committing a crime. All that is required under such statutes is that the act itself is voluntary,  since involuntary acts are not criminal. http://www. answers. com/topic/mens-rea Janes criminal liability for the injuries lina An examination of Janes liability of he harm caused Lina must start by considering the harm done. The expression badly Burt is suggestive grievous harm bodily harm , so opening up the possibility of offences contrary to both s. 18 and s. 20 of Offences Against the Person Act 1861. [3] Under s. 18 there would have to be proof that Jane had caused grievous bodily harm, which these purpose would be satisfied by evidence that the burns constituted serious harm Rv sanderts 1985 crime Lr230)[4] there are no causation issues. The throwing of fireworks causes the harm in fact and there is no evidence of any novus acuts intervenient. The problem for prosecution would be regarded as the mens rea, did Jane intend to cause grievous bodily harm to any person? Unless there is evidence that Jane foresaw such harm as virtually certain Rv wolling(1998)A ALL ER103) [5]. There will no basis for a s. 18 charge. Proof of such forsight seems unlikely, especially if the throwing of the firework was meant as a prank, further problems would arise under s18 in respect of Janes alcohol consumption. The offence is one of specific intent so Jane was intoxicated therefore she cannot be guilty of the s 18 offence see DPPv Majewski (1976) All ER42, [6]. Whether or not Jane was intoxicated will be question of fact for the jury. Above mentioned points in a mind a charge under is s20 of the Offence Against the Person Act 1861 would seen more promising. The prosecution will have to prove that Jane maliciously inflicted grievous bodily harms on the lina. The harm will be made out as can be regarded as synonymous with causing Rv Burstow Rv Ireland 1997AC 147[7]. The mental element here requires proof that Jane farsaw the possibility of some Diolock LJ in mowatt (1967) 3 ALLER 47[8]. On the fact is it possible that Jane did not foresee any physical harm, especially if she gave no thought to the possibility of there being anyone on the other side of the hedge. If Jane was intoxicated she could still incur liability unders s20. a (basic intent crime) if there is evidence that she was reckless in becoming intoxicated and, as a result, was unaware of a risk of physical harm being caused that she would have been aware of had she been sober. DPPV Majewski [9] and subsequent decisions such as Rv Rivhardson and Irwin (19 99) [10] crime LR 494 and Rv hardie (1984) 3 ALL ER 848. [11][12] If the harm done does not amount to grievous bodily harm, or the mens rea for s 20. cannot be established, Jane may be charged under s47 of the Offence Against the Person Act 1961 the she assaulted lina and thereby occasional actual bodily harm The burns would undoubtedly satisfy the definition of actual bodily harm Rv Miller (1954)) 2. QB 282[13]. The only mens rea required would be intension to assault or reckless, but the subjective recklessness Rv cunninghum (1957). 2 QB 396[14][15]. Jane must therefore, be proved to have been aware if risk that another person might be assaulted or battered by her actions, so there would be no need to show that she foresaw any actual bodily harm Rv savage. Rv parameter (1992) 1 AC 699 [16]again s 47 is basic intend crime that comments regarding the significance of intoxication in relation to s 20 apply here. Francines criminal liability accomplice Jane. Francine encourage Jane to throw the fire work and can be described as someone who a betted to offence by Jane. Francine was the scene of the crime and spurred Jane on Francine will argue that she did not think that anyone would be avail her. Accomplice will be party to all the unforeseen or accidental consequences of the agreed course of conduct carried out by the principal offender. In the present cane Jane dose precisely what Francine tells . she should do, so Francine will be a party to resulting offences Rv Betts and Ridley (1930) 22 Cr App R148 and Rv Baldessare (1930) 22 Cr App R 70[17]. It is possible that Francine as an accomplice may be charged with and found guilty of a more serious offence than that which Jane is charged with. Note of the Francine is sober so she may be capable of greater foresight of harm occurring to another. There is nothing in principle to prevent Francine being charged with a more serious offences than that charged against Jane. Sams criminal liability against regarding the milk Sam may be guilty of theft milk. It is clearly property belonging to another s. 4(1) and s. 5(1) of the Theft Act 1968. He appropriates the milk by hiding it s. 3(1) of the 1968 Act. Any assumption of any right of the owner can amount an appropriation of property. It is hard to see any argument by which he could claim not to dishonest. The only issue is intension to permanently deprive. Sam will argue that he had no such intension, but s 6(1) of the Theft Act 1968 provides that even if he did not actually intend Jane to permanently lose the milk, his dealing with it can be regarded as evidence id his having the intension of permanently depriving her of it. Because sam chose to treat the milk as his own to dispose of regardless of Janes right. Rv cahill (1993) Crime LR141[18], suggest the removing anothers property to another palce as a prank falls outside s. 6(1) but the courts are likely to fallow DPP v Lavender (1993) Crime LR 297,[19] which suggests that such action can be theft. The perishable nature of the commodity will strengthen the prosecution case on this point in the event. Milk could also provide the basis for criminal damage charge contrary s 1(1) of the Criminal Damages Act 1971. Sams criminal liability regarding the deflated tyres Deliberately deflating the tyres could be criminal damage to s 1(1) of the Criminal Damages Act 1971 the point to note here is that the tyres can be damaged simply by being altered. The mens rea is evident. A charge of aggravated criminal damage contrary to s. 1(2) might also be considered, but if the car cannot be driven because the tyres are flat it would be difficult for the prosecution to prove that sam intended to endanger life or was reckless as to whether his action would have that effect. Tempering with the brakes, by contrast, would support as s. (2) offence. It should be noted that, following Rv G (2003) 4 ALL ER 765, [20]the recklessness involved in the offence of criminal damages is subjective so assuming his intension to damage property can be taken as evident from the fact. The prosecution would have to prove that sam was aware of the risk that like would be endangered as result of the damage to the property, and that the circumstances known to him, it had been unreason able for him to take risk. Allans liability regarding the telephone calls. Lord steyen in R v burtow , R v Ireland (1998) AC 147, held that both grievous bodily harm and actual bodily harm could take the form of neurotic disorder induced by a defendants conduct. It was also accepted in that case that such harm could be caused without any direct assault on the victim by the defended. Whether a case involved grievous bodily harm or actual bodily harm would simply be a matter of degree. The House of Lords also held in that case that although in s. 47 actual bodily harm cases as assault had to proven, it could be committed by the use of words alone, by a telephone call, even by silent telephone call. The prosecution would have to prove however, that the victim apprehended immediate physical violence as result the telephone calls. On the basis Allan could be charged s. 47 in respect of the harm he causes to Pauline. There is no problem in relation to causation. As to mens rea , the fact that telephones the wrong victim by accident is irrelevant. The principle of transferred malice would apply, the identity of the victim being irrelevant. Rv Latimer (1886) 17 QBD 359. [21]Problems might arise under s20. in establishing that Allen acted maliciously Rv Mowatt) as above mentioned. He might not have foreseen the risk of any physical harm occurring to anyone . On the basis of s. 47charge seems more likely. The only mens rea required would be evidence that Allen foresaw the risk of another person apprehending immediate physical violence as result of his telephone calls. Whether or not this could be establish would depend to a large extent on the evidence of that he said when making the calls. The statement ‘I am coming to fire bomb your house in tow min would be an example of a threat the required intent would probably be made out. Sam liability as an accomplice to Allen Sams  counsels Allen in the commission of the offences against Pauline in the sense that persuades him to make calls, there is a connection between sams requests and the actions of Allen. Allen acted within the scope of the authority given by Sam Rv Calhaem(1985) 2 ALL ER 266[22]. That Allen hurts Pauline. Not Jane, is irrelevant. Only if Allen had deliberately chosen a different victim would sam have escaped liability as an accomplice Rv saunders and Archer(1573) 2 plowed 473[23], as an applied in Rv Leaby (1985)Crim LR99[24]. Sam has the mens rea to be accomplice. There is no deliberate departure from the common design by Allan. The issue in above question is with regards to criminal liabilities of Jane, Francine, Sam, Allan  the likelihood of they will be charged for Offences Against Person Act 1861, Theft Act .s18, s20, Jane throw fire on linas garden which causes badly burnt, grievous badly harm, Thus the Offences contrary comes under s18 or s20, Francine was the scene of the crime and spurred Jane on, Francine accomplice will be a party to all the unforeseen or accidental consequences of the of the agreed course of conduct carried by the principal offender. Sams liability comes under Theft Act 1968 he appropriates the milk by hiding it by assumption of property even if he did not actually intend Jane to permanently depraving her of it, also deflating the tyres could be Criminal Damages Act (1971). A charge of aggravated criminal damage contrary to s. 1(2), if the car cannot be driven, intended to endangered, like same way Allan foresaw the risk of another person apprehending immediate physical violence as a result of his telephone calls Thus Allan could be change under s 20 s 47 in respect of the harm he causes to Pauline even if the principal of transfer malice would apply and even If sam console in the commission of the offence against Pauline that he persuades him to make the cause. The men rea required would be the intension to assault or subjective recklessness. Sources Used [1] Perkins Boyce Criminal Law 830-831 (3rd ed. 1982). [2] Hall, General Principles of Criminal Law 222-27 (2d ed. 1960) [3] Offences Against the Person Act 1861. [4] Rv sanderts 1985 crime Lr230) [5] Rv wolling(1998)A ALL ER103) [6] DPPv Majewski (1976) All ER42, [7] Rv Burstow Rv Ireland 1997AC 147 [8] Diolock LJ in mowatt (1967) 3 ALLER 47 [9]  Diolock LJ in mowatt (1967) 3 ALLER 47 [10] Rv Rivhardson and Irwin (1999) [11] Rv Rivhardson and Irwin (1999) [12] Rv Rivhardson and Irwin (1999) [13] Rv Rivhardson and Irwin (1999) 14 Rv cunninghum (1957). 2 QB 396[15] 15 Rv savage. Rv parameter (1992) 1 AC 699 [17] Rv Betts and Ridley (1930) 22 Cr App R148 and Rv Baldessare (1930) 22 Cr App R 70 [18] Rv cahill (1993) Crime LR141 [19] fallow DPP v Lavender (1993) Crime LR 297, [20] Rv G (2003) 4 ALL ER 765, [21] Rv Latimer (1886) 17 QBD 359. [22] Rv Calhaem(1985) 2 ALL ER 266 [23] Rv saunders and Archer(1573) 2 plowed 473 [24] Rv Leaby (1985)Crim LR99

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [] Eating Well Over 50 [] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults [] Essay -- Losing weight requires a gradual approach and maintainable lifestyle changes. Although metabolism slows down with age, it's not impossible to lose weight after the age of 50. A healthy diet and regular exercise can do the trick. The latter stimulates muscle tissue, giving your metabolism that much-needed boost so you burn calories and lose weight. You'll look and feel better, and reduce your risk of age-related health conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and osteoporosis. (See References 1) Create a Caloric Deficit When you're over the age of 50, a daily deficit of 500 calories is sufficient to lose weight at a rate of 1 pound a week without sacrificing essential nutrients. (See References 2) This deficit can come from calories burned through exercise, or from calories reduced from food. Depending on your physical activity level, recommends that older females generally consume anywhere from 1,200 to 1600 calories a day, and older males consume between 2,000 and 2,800 calories a day. The more active your are, the more calories you can consume. (See References 3) Eat Healthy Foods In addition to helping you lose weight, a sensible diet keeps your body healthy and your mind sharp. Avoid skipping meals, and eat smaller portions consisting of the basic food groups; include complex carbs and fiber from veggies, fruits, and whole grains; consume protein from sources, such as fish, beans, and nuts; and consume low-fat dairy products, such as milk, cheese and yogurt, to get the daily needed 1,200 mg of calcium. (See References 3) Salt, sugar, and simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice, should be limited. Also, consider taking a multivitamin or eating fortified foods to get vitamin B and vitamin D. (See Refere... ... you can't do another repetition with good form after finishing a set. (See References 5) Key Concepts senior weight loss reducing body weight healthy weight loss References Exercise and Fitness Over 50 [] Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service: Nutrition for Older Adults: Diet and Health Guidelines For Weight Loss [] Eating Well Over 50 [] Weight-Control Information Network: Young at Heart [] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Growing Stronger: Strenghth Training for Older Adults []

Friday, July 19, 2019

Comparing Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness Essay -- Movie Film com

Comparing Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness   Ã‚   In the opening scenes of the documentary film "Hearts of Darkness-A Filmmaker's Apocalypse," Eleanor Coppola describes her husband Francis's film, "Apocalypse Now," as being "loosely based" on Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Indeed, "loosely" is the word; the period, setting, and circumstances of the film are totally different from those of the novella. Yet, a close analysis of character, plot, and theme in each respective work reveals that Conrad's classic story of savagery and madness is present in its cinematic reworking. The story of Heart of Darkness is narrated by its central character, the seasoned mariner Marlowe, a recurring figure in Conrad's work. "Apocalypse Now" features a corollary to Marlowe in Captain Willard, a U.S. Army special forces operative assigned to go up the Nung river from Viet Nam into Cambodia in order to "terminate the command" of one Colonel Walter Kurtz whom, he is told, has gone totally insane. It is fitting that Marlowe's character should be renamed, as Willard differs from Marlowe in several significant ways: 1) He is not the captain of the boat which takes him and a party of others up the river; 2) He does not reflect the deep psychological and philosophical insights that are a signal feature in Marlowe's character, and 3) He is sent on his mission specifically to kill Kurtz, unlike Marlowe who is simply piloting others in the capacity of captain of a steamboat. However, Willard does communicate Marlowe's fascination (growing, in fact, into an obsession) with Kurtz. Al so significant is the fact that he holds the rank of captain, tying in with Marlowe's occupation. As to the character of Kurtz, it is worth noting that while signi..., and Kurtz, whose soul went mad, all remain relatively in tact.  Ã‚   One can still feel "The horror, the horror,"    Works Cited and Consulted Brooke, Riley. "’Heart’ Transplant." Film Comment Sept.-Oct 1979: 26-27. Browne, Ray B, ed. Rituals and Ceremonies in Popular Culture. Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1980. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer (New York: Doubleday & Co., 1978) Coppolla, Francis Ford, dir. Apocalypse Now. Perf. Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen. 1981. Dittmar, Linda and Michaud, Gene, ed. From Hanoi to Hollywood: The Vietnam War in American Film. USA: Rutgers University Press, 1990. Hellman, John. American Myth and the Legacy of Vietnam. New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. Philips, Gene D. Conrad and Cinema: The Art of Adaptation. Dallas: Peter Lang, 1995.      

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Knight Eliduc Essay

Eliduc is a courtly knight admired greatly by the king of Brittney. The king trusts Eliduc to guard the lands and also grants him free reign to hunt wherever he pleases. Since Eliduc is favored so greatly, many envious enemies try to slander his name to the king. Without credible accusation, the king banishes Eliduc. With hopes that the king will calm down, Eliduc travel to Logres. Eliduc takes with him ten knights, and due to his wife’s mourning and grief of his departure, Eliduc assures her that he will remain faithful. While traveling through the land of Tontes, Eliduc finds the land to be at war. He finds that an old Lord has refused to give his daughters hand in marriage to any beau’s, therefore; another powerful lord wages war for her. Eliduc uses this situation as a chance to prove himself and become favored by the new lord. He insists that he will fight for the king, and so the king allows granting him fine lodging and hospitality. Eliduc plans on tricking the e nemy into thinking they have won, but in their departure, he attacks the enemy. His plan to defeat the enemy works. The king then makes Eliduc a vassal for a year. Hearing of Eliduc’s act of valor, the kings’s daughter Guilliadun wishes to meet him. Immediately, Guilliadun falls in love with Eliduc, however out of respect for his marriage, he is hesitant and reserved. Guilliadun confesses that she will die if she cannot have Eliduc and tries to win him with gifts. Eliduc receives the gifts in grace, but easily masks his affection for Guilliadun. Eliduc does so out of reverence for his wife Guildeluec. Meanwhile, Eliduc’s old king seeks him out and Eliduc does return back to Brittany; however, he promises he will return back to Tontes if needed. Guilliadun is saddened by the news and claims she will kill herself, but Eliduc reassures her of his return. Once Eliduc returns to Brittany he is angered by the negative news he hears of his wife. After quickly ridding the Brittany of its enemies, Eliduc returns to Tontes in search for Guilliadun. They are lovingly reunited and begin to sail home to Brittany. However, Guilliadun is disheartened by the news that Eliduc is married, she faints, in a coma-like state. After noticing how distraught ELiduc was after his return, Guildeluec is convinced he isn’t saddened because of the hermits death at the abbey. Guildeluec sends spies and discovers Guilliadun. Along with feeling betrayed by Eliduc, she feels pity for Guilliadun. After witnessing a weasel bring his mate back to life with an herb, Guildeluec brings Guilliadun back. Eliiduc is informed of the miracle and happily chooses Guilliadun as his new wife. Eliduc’s first wife and new wife â€Å"came to a good end thanks to God, the true divine†. I chose to analyze the quote â€Å"came to a good end thanks to God, the true divine†. Marie implies in the end of the lay that the only way to find serenity through love in this world is by making oneself docile to the charity of selfless love, epitomized in God. I, however, that this quote in no way reflects God. Yes, it involves love; however God is also about faithfulness, honesty and respect. By being reserved from Guilliadun during her first attempts, Eliduc did show respect to his marriage. However, after hearing stories of Guildeluec while he was gone caused him to want to pursue Guilliadun. Eliduc never once asked Guildeluec. It amazed me that Guldeluec was content with Eliduc’s choice. She never tried to win him back but actually felt pity for Guilliadun and her sorrow. Guildeluec’s actions are a reflection of selfless love, which show reverence to God. Ultimately, I thought it was ironic to give thanks to God, being that the outcome, in my opinion was ungodly. Adultery did not take place, however betrayal and mistrust did.

Democratic and Republican main constituencies and the current trends Essay

The ii great governmental revealies atomic number 18 cardinal of the major political systems that were non envisaged by the founding for fathers. The two features that were constituted encompassed thorough frameworks that encouraged the two troupe developments. The electoral College, which was at least modified by the twelve amendments along with the single appendage district which, while non man go out constitution e real(prenominal)y has been the rule rather than exception as from back 1970s. This tended to channel the politician into two major parties, each creation incentivized to scotch majority backing and every companionship seeking to discipline factions as a coherent whole. The republican and the classless parties argon the oldest and as well the third oldest political parties in the globe to date. The British conservative troupe, if dated from the Disraelis rebellion against Sir Peel Robert of the maize Law in 1846 takes the second grade of the oldest parties. (Alan, 2010). The Democratic fellowship can be dated since 1832, when the backers of incumbent president capital of Mississippi Andrew did organize a representative subject field convention so as to pop the question their hero for presidency along with his political manager Martin van Buren for the position of frailty president. Since then, the democrats concur met every four eld menstruation in unbroken describe of 45 convections. The republican political party was formed in the year 1854, every last(predicate) in Michigan, Ripon, Jackson or Wisconsin in opposition to what was termed as Kansas Nebraska act. The republicans oblige met since 1856 every four years in national conventions.The Democrats and the Republicans constituencies These two political parties, since the superannuated times have existed through the truth of constituencies. Without the aid of these constituencies, nothing at all can happen to boost them. These constituencies a tomic number 18 the ones who ballot and donate money to fight these political parties. For instance, the democratic political party enjoys the following constituencies the unionized labor, the ethnic minorities, the to the highest degree women, the urban power blocks and the educated urbanites. These constituencies argon the ones that contribute funds for this Democratic Party and give the votes to the flag be bers to ensure the sempiternity of the party. On the another(prenominal) hand, the Republican political party enjoys the following constituencies the big businesses in the country, the massive corporations, almost all the defence relate businesses, the small businesses, the health related businesses, the Christians, the National rifle association and the fundamentalists. It is very important to note that these chemical ag congregations are frequently generalized. Of course, not every woman or American- African guy will vote for the Democratic political party and not e ach and every business person will vote Republican. But these parties have allied themselves with the majority of the participants in these constituencies. In some of the instances, the political parties have been chosen by the constituencies instead of the other musical mode round but the party form _or_ system of government and rhetoric speaks directly to these constituencies (Alan, 2010). Even if not of all time the fact, the parties wants to create the impression that they care about the interests of these groups.In Group and by Group The chief(prenominal) strength of the Republican Party is that their core constituencies are seen as undeniably and hence uniquely Americans or the natives. The briny constituencies of the Republican Party is the pile who are seen by other tribe or themselves or to put it in other words as the in group. In the nineteenth century, this in group in the main consisted of the Northern white Protestants. Today, this group mainly consist of the white unify Christians and the most prosperous business bulk. The brisk strength of the Republican Party constituencies is the musical composition of it of the uniquely and perhaps the undeniably American. The main weakness that this party has faced all through is that their core constituency has never been seemly by itself to make the majority of the creation of the Americans. America is seen by the outside arena as existence uniquely different country, but the fact is the US has been a several(a) give tongue to always, ethnically, regionally, radically and religiously. This regional diversity is the one that made henry Adams to begin his American history in the Madison and Jefferson administration through a description of three main regional cultures that he segregated as the South, heart and soul States and the New England. More diverse religiously, that the founders require the nationally established churches. And also vowed not to interfere with any establi shed churches in any state. More racially diverse that the 20 percent of the counted Americans in the starting time census of 1790 were the calamitous slaves who are straightway the black Americans (Passelsand, 2002). On the other hand, the main constituency of the Democratic political party has always been the people who are seen by the outsiders and also by themselves as some people other than the ordinary Americans or in other words the outside groups. During the 19th century, these out groups constituted the White southerly along with the urban Catholic of the immigrants parenthood and also the minor groups such as Mormons. Currently, these out groups includes, the highly educated seculars, the black Americans, and the single women and also the meager group of people that consist of Gays and lesbian (even though this is the only group that voted less democratic in 2008 than 2004)Current trends in the Republican and Democratic parties The major politics in America is changing rapidly and a very powerful demographic range of mountains force is transforming the American electorates and also reshaping the main political parties. As the demographic vicissitude continues, the reshaping will always continue. The democratic political party will become much than deepened to the constituencies that accompanimented Barrack Obama in the his 2008 historical victory, and the republican party will be forced to dig hard into the stub to compete for more constituencies. These trends are majorly being forced by the current activities that are taking place in the world, mainly the political aspect and the racial part of the concerned groups. For instance, the Iraq war that took place recently. This chargeed the support of many Asian-American people to the Democratic Party. there is a widespread abandonment of the Republican Party by the Asian-Americans. According to the released entropy by the institute of politics at the Harvard university wh ich was gathered from an online survey of 2525 18-24 year old, 47 percent of these youth currently delineate themselves as democrats, 15% as republican and 39% as independent. This makes them more machine-accessible to the Democratic Party than any other ethnic group except the Africans. A Korean- American Betsy Kim, 44, sees a clear shift of the Asian American youth towards the Democratic Party. Kim says that the Asian American of her age and young lean to the Democratic Party receivable to the benefits that the party is doing to the communities of color (BEN, 2007). This is the pattern that is being repeated from constituency to the other and most of the states are moving towards the democratic direction. In the state of Pennsylvania, the white working class fall by 25 points between the period 1988 to 2008 while the white college students change magnitude 16 points and also the nonage by 8 points. In the Nevada city, the white who are the working class decreased by 24 p oints over this period and the minority voter up by 19 points with whiten college graduate by 4 points. These series of trends will continue and by 2040 the United States will be majority-Minority nation. So the Republican Party should seek more backing and restructure its politics so as to keep up with the current trends.ReferencesAlan Berubeand others, (2010). State of metropolitan America. Washington Brookinggs Institution. P. 50-63Ben Adler 12/20/07Asian-American youth trend Democratic. PrintPasselsand Cohen, (2002). Us populations projections 2005-2050.Lopez and Minushkin. (2008). National latinos survey. Hispanic voter Attitudes root document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why Prohibition Failed to Control American Alcohol Consumption

A single sketchy send off flickers in a dark room. The purport of pure, hard liquor ( near likely moonshine), permeates the air. Screams, laughter, shattering glass, and the freshly-made whiskey are shared by all in the dingy denuntil a stern knock cuts by means of the noise, silencing and destroying the night. It was this scenario and countless others like it that defined American banning, also known as The dread Experiment, a ban on any intoxicating beverage from 1920 to 1933.Reasons bulwark was enacted was to correct corruption and reduce prison numbers, solve social unrest, lower assesses, and ameliorate hygiene and health of the people. However, parapet finally failed in its attempt to control the way and vices of its citizens. One plane sectionicular issue that arose from Prohibition was that it fostered corruption poor, young immigrants gradually morphed into mobs and oecumenical offence became organized. Extensive crime syndicates grumose and what is now col loquially known as the maffia formed.The humankind had nowhere else to bowl over but these bootleg distilleries (dubbed speakeasies), because the method of acquiring in was a passwordand by the end of Prohibition, over one zillion gallons of liquor had been bootlegged and brought into the get together States alone. Not wholly had organized crime step-up, but most crimes in general did, too. In increase to distilling alcohol illegally, police budgets in the tip of Prohibition had increased by 11. 4 million dollars (adjusted for todays inflation, more than 140. 5 million dollars). Total national expenditures on penal institutions increased by a whopping 1000%.Homicides, cultivated unrest, the prison population, and Prohibition violations had actually increased during Prohibition. The demand for alcohol and the elimination of the publics legal supply in conclusion played a large part in the spike in crime during this era. Besides the detail that crime cypher uncontrollabl y, Prohibition was also practically unenforceable. interestingly enough, the act of drinking in itself was non banned, rather, except sales agreement and distribution. Bootleggers outnumbered police officers and enforcement became ludicrously lax in some areas of the join States.The 21 Club, a popular speakeasy in New York City, had been raided many times by police, but the owners were never caught. many American immigrants viewed liquor not as a vice but as an total cultural component. Smuggling and bootlegging were in full swing, and by 1927 the number of speakeasies was twice the number of legal bars pre-Prohibition. The Volstead shambling itself (the enabling legislation for Prohibition) allowed the sale and employment of wine at home and for spiritual purposes, allowing for vineyards to sell grapes and concentrate for people to make their own wine at home.The content of the law was full of loopholes that were often exploited, such as whiskey prescription for medica l examination reasons. The Prohibition saw a bully increase in prescriptions written for patients that called for alcohol. Prohibition had also decimated the alcohol-production industry, particularly that of winemaking. As mentioned previously, winemakers had to visit loopholes and crafty ways to bypass the law. Many went out of business due to the fact that any alcohol over 0. 5% was banned, and most wines had about a 13% alcohol content.Wine for sacramental purposes was allowed, and people who acted as imposters of church figures obtained wine through this election route. Lack of curb was widespread and only increased as Prohibition went on. The increase of chaos, loss of businesses, and most of all crime only caused any original support for the law to dwindle. Finally, at 332 p. m. on December 5, 1933, the 21st Amendment was ratified, efficaciously nullifying the 18th Amendment and repealing Prohibition.As the Roaring Twenties came to a close, the united States of America s aw that the tax revenue generated by legal sale of alcohol would help take the delimitation off of the financial burden that came with the wide Depression. In conclusion, Prohibition in the United States is generally known as an ruined experiment in enforcing morality in legislation. Illegal distilleries and speakeasies (establishments for illegally purchasing alcohol) stone-broke out and encouraged the spread of crime. The Mafia was established as poor immigrants who plunge an easy way to make a great deal of money by selling alcohol to those in hopeless want of it.Countless loopholes were exploited and enforcement of the laws, over time, rock-bottom steeply. Despite the conviction by relation that going dry would help the United States cut down on boozing and crime, Prohibition ended up doing the detailed opposite. Overall, lack of support, increase in crime, unenforceability, and requisite of alcohol in society during the twenties caused the ultimate downfall and failur e of the American Prohibition.CITATIONS (sorry that this version does not have them inline) http//www. cato. rg/publications/policy-analysis/alcohol-prohibition-was-failure http//www. albany. edu/wm731882/organized_crime1_final. hypertext mark-up language http//www. westegg. com/inflation/infl. cgi http//www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/database/article_display. cfm? HHID=441 http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1655505/pdf/calwestmed00210-0040b. pdf http//library. thinkquest. org/04oct/00492/Why_It_Did_Not_Work. htm http//www. netplaces. com/wine-guide/a-brief-history-of-wine/prohibition-wipes-out-an-industry. htm http//history. howstuffworks. com/american-history/prohibition. htm